Unit 29 Installing And Upgrading Software M2

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  1. Unit 29 Installing And Upgrading Software M2 8
  • ICT Unit 29 Tuesday, 31 March 2015. M2 (DONE) In this essay I will be explaining the preparation that needs to be done before installing new software. When installing.
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RiskWhen installing/upgrading there are a lot of things that can go wrong that you need to be aware of. A recent problem I’ve experienced myself is a few weeks back when I got a new update for Skype. While the update was 60% done my computer started to freeze and when it resumed the update had found an error and couldn’t install Skype and because it was at a specific part of the update it had uninstalled the previous version of Skype. This meant I didn’t have Skype at all on my laptop.

When I tried to re-install the program again it would keep timing out so I had to find an older version of the software. I found this frustrating but it can happen and had happened to many users in the past. The advantages of knowing what risks are that you can prepare for them. For example if you have heard that there is an installing upgrade problem going around researching what it is and what other people did to fix the problem.

Unit 29 Installing and Upgrading Software (Part 1 Of 2) Unit 29 Installing and Upgrading Software (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, M2, D2) Describe the potential prompts that initiate new or upgraded software (P1) Describe the potential risks of installing or upgrading software (P2) Plan an installation and an upgrade (P3) Record and complete a software installation (P4) Record and complete a software.

You should know how to create roll back point as if anything goes wrong at least you go back to before it accrued.Potential loss of serviceIf a service goes down or crashes for example a business’ network and they rely on the network then it is practically useless. For example a shopkeeper can’t do his job without his shop.

This is why it is important to make sure there is either a backup plan if anything happens or make sure that the server doesn’t go down. If you’re business which relies on a network goes down for too long you could lose customers due to them losing trust or interest in you. You should make effort to keep the network running by maintaining the hardware needed for the server. Something which may be helpful is to have a backup server for the network. This will be an advantage as mentioned before if the business is relying on a network. However user areas are not on the other server then people may not be able to get there files back unless you backup to the backup server their files.Incompatibility issueIf you’re installing software onto a system which is replacing software and you find out it isn’t compatible then you may be in some trouble because you’ll need to uninstall and re-install either the previous version or find the compatible one. If you do this for a log in system and the next day everyone turns up to work and it doesn’t work then you could cause the business to shut down for a while.

It is best to find out what your machine is compatible with before you go looking for software and then try it out straight away. This is a common problem when people try to install 64 bit software onto 32bit machines. When software is incompatible it is useless and if you don’t know about it not working for a while until it is needed. If you’re running a business and don’t know it isn’t working you could lose business.

The advantages of knowing what your computer and software is compatible with can save time as you will know what you need and save problems which may be a risk to your job if you didn’t know what you were doing and wasted time and money on installing incompatible issues.Risk reduction measuresTo reduce risk it is important to take precaution with what you’re doing. For example backing up your files from time to time or keeping a restore point when upgrading. Keeping anti virus software is also a good idea because it keep your system running nicely. Most anti virus software allows you to scan files when they download to make sure you’re not installing anything harmful. It also helps using premium services to protect you from everything they can. It also helps to know what you’re installing is the right thing, For example you’re more likely to get the right software which doesn’t have any problems from their official sites. Doing a risk assessment can be an advantage as you can will be aware of what you need to do to cross as many things off the list.

If there is a problem with the software you have got it could help to contact the developers customer service to help you figure a way around.(D2) – evaluate the risks involved in the installation or upgrade of software and explain how the risks could be minimised.If you’re installing and upgrading software you are taking risks which could be a problem if the right precaution isn’t taken to reduce risks. You must also be aware if the upgrade is necessary. For example if you run business and are installing a feature which other competitors have then it is necessary because you’re keeping up with the competition. However if you’re upgrading your software just to benefit a small part of the business which won’t make a difference then it is rather pointless and not worth it.Prompt for changeIt is important to keep up with our rivals in business as well as stay relevant by using the latest technology. The customer will always wants what’s best for them but the risks which come with the change can be more than the reasons to change. For example Asda has recently decided to launch a drive thru’ were you would be able to order from home online then turn up to the drive thru and enter the code given to you when you ordered and an employee will bring the stuff for you to the car. The chances are before this idea started to take effect someone had to evaluate the risks.

Unit 29 Installing And Upgrading Software M2 8

This is because the would need to prepare for them. For example if there is a fault in the system and the code doesn’t work because the click and collect machine isn’t connecting the server. For this reason the risk must be evaluated. The advantages of these changes can improve and potentially keep you ahead of other businesses.Problems with existing systemsBusinesses need to constantly upgrade their security because of the never ending threat of hackers and mellitus attacks. Installing and upgrading software is needed to reduce risks of being hacked into.


In the past weak security has proven that hacker will find a way to get around the security. Another problem is that if a machine isn’t maintained properly then it could crash. For example if the machine develops a fault such as the an not being able to cool the machine down could be an issue. You should make sure that any problems are sorted before they become big problem.Additional functionality requiredSome businesses may want security such as anti-virus and anti-ransom-ware as well as a firewall. It is recommended to use software which offers all of these tools. To reduce risks of still being hacked or catch a computer virus it is a good idea to install several which do the same thing in case a hack finds his way around one software but is blocked by another. Some protection software companies may not have blocked a security hole but another may have which keeps the system safer and as long as they’re updated they will work fine.

It is also helpful to make sure your software updates either on a schedule or automatically when one is released.New hardware requiring new or upgrade softwareWhen installing new software the business should install a program called “device driver”. This software is like a translator. It will translate the what the devices code means to the computer if it isn’t compatible and back again. This saves the issue of needed to use software and being faced with the problem of it not being compatible with the computer. This can be avoided with this software. It can be useful for things such as old printer which aren’t compatible with latest operating systems.External prompts for software bug fixesBefore software is released the developers will release beta versions to allows other users and beta testers to find bugs in the software.

Bug fixes are not viruses they are errors in code. This stage makes the software more reliable when it officially is released. After it is released however if there are any more problems in it then the developers will fix the problem then release an update to fix the problem so the user can then update and the problem will be fixed. This makes businesses secure because the software should be fixed as long as they update when one is released.I used this website for my research.

Potential Loss Of ServiceWhen installing software on to a computer system you will always come across something called down-time which is when a computer becomes inactive due to the software being installed because the software is using the resources of the computer for it to install. This is important because it can take up quite a bit time of the business, as it takes quite long to install. It could take up over an hour, particularly if a lot of computers need to have the installation. This could lead to a disruption to the business’s work, for example, if the business were upgrading the operating system on the server, it will mean that any network resources and internet connection will be unavailable until the installation is complete.Incompatibility IssuesWhen installing software on to a computer you should always double check if the computer and the software is compatible with one another. If they aren’t compatible then it may not install and if it does install then you will have technical issues with the software running on the computer i.e. The screen may turn black, consistent crashing, may delete other files from another program or it could put your computer at risk of breaking down.

If you were to install Linux on to a Windows computer without backing up your files then all your files from Windows will be deleted and you won’t be able to restore your files ever again.Risk ReductionIt is important to identify the risks involved with any installation or upgrade and to have risk reduction measures in place. There are three main methods for reducing risks involved;. Backups: Before making any installation attempts businesses should back up all data and software. If the installation damages the existing data and software then they will be able to replace it from the backup. If they don’t, all data will be lost and you won’t be able to get it back. Installing At Low Risk Times: If businesses install a software during their busiest business hours it can take up important times as it will enable the user to use the computer system for a significant amount of time. Businesses should install a software overnight as this will be easier and safer for the business to reduce any problems.

Incremental Installation: If the business are going to be installing new software on multiple computer systems, then they should only start with a few computer systems as this can reduce the risk to ensure than no problems will occur. If there is no problems then they should continue with the other computer systems.D2When it comes to risks to an organisation whilst they are upgrading they need to be aware of these and this can affect the organisation in several different ways such as, system going down, losing profit, losing orders. However majority of businesses run 24 hours 7 days a week so it can be quite difficult to resolve. The organisation can upgrade the software whilst the system is down which will not affect the employees.Having a risk reduction measure is very important when making any installations or upgrades, there are three types of methods for reducing any risks that are involved when installing or upgrading.

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The first risk reduction measure is to do backups. Before installing a new operating system or major update always make sure to backup all of your data and software. This will safeguard your work and if something goes wrong with the update then you have your backup which you can use. This is called a Roll Back which will basically roll back time to before you updated your system, this is very useful because it can help users who may not like the new update which they have installed. You can also backup your data and software in different locations just incase if this gets lost from a specific place.Also, another risk reduction measure is that you should installation something at a low risk time, meaning when you install your software you should do it at a time when there is no one on the computer.