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Nota: DIR si trova generalmente in /Applications/.Crea file simili lilypond-book,convert-ly, e un qualsiasi altro script tu voglia usare,sostituendo bin/lilypond con bin/convert-ly(o il nome di un altro programma).Rendi eseguibile il file,chmod u+x lilypond.Ora, aggiungi questa directory alla tua variabile path. Modifica (o crea) un filechiamato.profile nella tua home in modo che contengaexport PATH=$PATH:/binQuesto file deve finire con una linea bianca.Lanciare i singoli scriptGli script — come lilypond-book, convert-ly,abc2ly, e anche lilypond stesso — sono inclusinel per MacOS X.Gli script possono essere eseguiti dalla linea di comando anche lanciandolidirettamente. GNU General Public LicenseVersion 3, 29 June 2007Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of thislicense document, but changing it is not allowed.PreambleThe GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license forsoftware and other kinds of works.The licenses for most software and other practical works are designedto take away your freedom to share and change the works.

By contrast,the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedomto share and change all versions of a program—to make sure it remainsfree software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation,use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; itapplies also to any other work released this way by its authors. Youcan apply it to your programs, too.When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, notprice.

Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that youhave the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge forthem if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if youwant it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in newfree programs, and that you know you can do these things.To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying youthese rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, youhave certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of thesoftware, or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedomof others.For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whethergratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the samefreedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too,receive or can get the source code. And you must show them theseterms so they know their rights.Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this Licensegiving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.For the developers’ and authors’ protection, the GPL clearly explainsthat there is no warranty for this free software. For both users’ andauthors’ sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked aschanged, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously toauthors of previous versions.Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or runmodified versions of the software inside them, although themanufacturer can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with theaim of protecting users’ freedom to change the software. Thesystematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products forindividuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit thepractice for those products.

If such problems arise substantially inother domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to thosedomains in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect thefreedom of users.Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.States should not allow patents to restrict development and use ofsoftware on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wishto avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free programcould make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPLassures that patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution andmodification follow.TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Definitions.“This License” refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.“Copyright” also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kindsof works, such as semiconductor masks.“The Program” refers to any copyrightable work licensed under thisLicense. Each licensee is addressed as “you”. “Licensees” and“recipients” may be individuals or organizations.To “modify” a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the workin a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making ofan exact copy. The resulting work is called a “modified version” ofthe earlier work or a work “based on” the earlier work.A “covered work” means either the unmodified Program or a work basedon the Program.To “propagate” a work means to do anything with it that, withoutpermission, would make you directly or secondarily liable forinfringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on acomputer or modifying a private copy.

Propagation includes copying,distribution (with or without modification), making available to thepublic, and in some countries other activities as well.To “convey” a work means any kind of propagation that enables otherparties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a userthrough a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is notconveying.An interactive user interface displays “Appropriate Legal Notices” tothe extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visiblefeature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to theextent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey thework under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. Ifthe interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as amenu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.

Source Code.The “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work formaking modifications to it. What is Google Summer of Code?is a global programthat offers students stipends to write code for free software and opensource projects during the summer. For three months students work tocomplete a given task as part of the project’s community and under theguidance of experienced mentors. The program is an excellentopportunity for students to gain experience with real-world softwaredevelopment and make a contribution that benefits everyone. It bringsnew contributors to LilyPond and enables students who are alreadyinvolved to become more involved. LilyPond participates in GSoC as partof the.We have had GSoC participants in 2012, 2015, 2016 and 2017. This siteis current for the 2018 program.

Project Ideas ListBelow is a list of GSoC project ideas (last update: May 2017), butif you have other ideas for a project you may complete within the threemonths of the program you’re welcome to make a suggestion on ourdeveloper mailing list (see ). There are a number of areaswhere LilyPond could be improved, and our development team is alwayswilling to help those who would like to tackle a project similar tothose listed below. As mentor availability varies from project toproject and from year to year it is wise to get in touch with us asearly as possible.Per 2018 we have installed the new role of “Community Mentor”. We aimat assigning one Community Mentor to each active project who isnot responsible for discussing the implementation or reviewingthe code. Instead they will on the one hand discuss the designof the planned features from the (power) user perspective, and theywill look after the communication between student and mentor, andbetween the two and the community.A full list of all the current open issues can be found.Adopt the SMuFL music font encoding standardFor several years now a new standard for music fonts has been around:, which is also discussed as becoming part ofa future W3C standard for music encoding. As a FLOSS tool LilyPond shouldadhere to such an open standard instead of using an isolated solution like itdoes today. Adopting SMuFL will help integrating LilyPond with the world ofmusic notation software and eventually give LilyPond users access to a widerselection of notation fonts.Making LilyPond compliant to SMuFL includes remapping of the glyphs that arebuilt from METAFONT sources, adjusting the glyphs’ metrics to SMuFL’sspecifications, and finally updating the way LilyPond looks up and positions theglyphs.

As an optional part of this project LilyPond’s font loading mechanismcould be modified to use notation fonts installed as system fonts instead ofinside the LilyPond installation.Difficulty: Easy/mediumRequirements: C and willingness to get familiar with LilyPondinternals.Recommended: Interest and experience in working with font files.A little bit of METAFONT.Mentors: Werner Lemberg, Abraham LeeAdding variants of font glyphs. Information for Applicants/ParticipantsIn order to have a satisfying experience with GSoC applicants arestrongly advised to thoroughly read the following recommendations. Someof these are relevant for the application process, others for the timewithin the project.Read all applicable information on the program’s website, particularlythe. Make sure you fulfil all of Google’s prerequisitesand are willing to join the program as a full-time commitment over thecoding period of three months.Please get in touch with us as soon as possible if you are interested inapplying with a project. Mentor availability may change without notice,project proposals may need fine-tuning, and many other reasons mightrequire us to reject or ignore an application that hasn’t been discussedbefore.We do not know in advance how many “slots” we will have available forprojects, so please be aware that you may find yourself in competitionwith other applicants or not. Interested or even enthusiastic responsefrom our mentors is no guarantee of eventually being accepted, andnot being accepted does not necessarily indicate a negativeevaluation of your application.

If we have to decide between differentapplicants there may be various aspects to consider.Integration in the LilyPond community is a fundamental part of GSoC, andwe expect our students to make substantial efforts to become communitymembers. Within the bonding period we expect you to write a blogpost about your project (either on or on any other blog) and to be active on our mailing lists,introducing yourself but also communicating about unrelated tasks. Thisgoes beyond the mere setting up of a working environment andfamiliarizing yourself with the relevant code, but we think it iscrucial for the GSoC project to be mutually satisfying.If you are accepted to the program you will have one mentor explicitlyassigned to your project. With this mentor you will have to agree upona communication strategy, be it emails, chatrooms, issue trackers orvoice/video chats.

Regular communication is absolutely crucial for thesuccess of a GSoC project so you are stricly required to keep talking toyour mentor. But keep in mind that your mentor has explicitly takenover the responsibility for your project, and while unlike you he isn’tpaid for this activity you are still entitled to get regular attentionfrom him.In order to get support from your mentor you have to give him a chanceto follow your progress and efforts.

Therefore it is important toregularly commit your changes to the versioning repository you areworking on. Don’t hesitate making unfinished code available because youare afraid of criticism, and don’t suppress questions because you thinkthey might be considered stupid. But ideally your code should at anytime be accompanied by compatible testing code. Your mentor may not beable to properly assess your code by only reading it without theopportunity to apply it in a real example.There is a list of inactive projects in the. We listprojects there that are still considered valuable but for which thereare currently no mentors available.Autori.

Inactive Google Summer of Code project suggestionsThe following list describes GSoC projects that had been proposedin recent years and which are still considered valuable but forwhich we currently don’t have mentors available.Automated testing and documentation for openLilyLibis an extensionframework for LilyPond code providing a “snippets” repository and asuite of integrated packages such as for example page layout tools orscholarly annotations. It is very powerful and promising, but to reallyget off the ground two features are missing: automated testing anddocumentation generation.Automated testing is necessary to ensure modifications to functionalitydon’t break other functions within the library. There is already someAutomated Testing of the “snippets” repository with Github’s Travisserver, but this has to be reconsidered and extended to cover thestandalone packages too.In order to be usable for a wider range of LilyPond users on a “consumerlevel” openLilyLib needs proper documentation. This documentation hasto be generated from the sources, so a system is needed that requirespackage authors to document the input files and provide additional usageexamples, from which documentation is generated.

Ideally but notnecessarily this is implemented as a Git hook, i.e. Automatically uponeach update to the repository. We don’t prescribe the tools andapproaches to be used, but the most widely used language in the LilyPonddomain is Python, so there would be some bias towards that.Alternatively a Scheme solution could be fine so generating thedocumentation would actually be triggered by “compiling” a certainLilyPond input file. In general it is advisable to make use of provenconcepts and tools from other languages.The eventual output of the documentation should be a static HTML sitethat can be viewed locally and/or uploaded to a website.

But it wouldbe beneficial if the tool would first generate an intermediaterepresentation (e.g. A JSON file with additional media files) from whicha Single Page Application could retrieve content for display onopenLilyLib’s. Development ofsuch a SPA can be part of the GSoC project, but is optional.Difficulty: mediumRequirements: Python or Scheme, static website generator(s) or(Node.js based) dynamic web application technology.

ContinuousIntegration (can be learned during the bonding period)MusicXMLImproving MusicXML import and export functions:File interchange between LilyPond and other applications using MusicXMLis still a difficult matter. To import MusicXML it has to be convertedmanually by the musicxml2ly script. Export to MusicXML isonly available as a rudimentary feature inside Frescobaldi. In order toprovide natural interchange between LilyPond and MusicXML basedapplications there’s the need of actual import functionality and adedicated export backend.Importing XML shall provide file, line and column to add originattributes to generated objects.

That way point and click can bemade available in Frescobaldi or other supported IDEs.Exporting XML shall be realized with an exporter class like the MIDIexport. This may be based on the work already done inby David Garfinkle. It should be checked if it is possible to useanother XML library than the one provided by guile-2 in order to havethis feature available in current LilyPond (which is based on guile-1.8).Difficulty: mediumRequirements: MusicXML, Python, Scheme, basic LilyPond knowledgeRecommended: Familiarity with other scorewriters (for cross-testing)Improve slurs and tiesThe engraving quality of slurs and ties is often unsatisfactory. Ties‘broken’ by clef or staff changes are not handled well.

The projectcould include collecting and sorting examples of bad output, deciding onthe intended output and writing code to improve them.Difficulty: hardRequirements: C, experience with writing heuristicsRecommended knowledge: LilyPond knowledge, aesthetic senseGrace notesFix problems with synchronization of grace notes. Grace notes caninterfere with LilyPond’s timing and cause odd effects, especially whenmultiple staffs are used where some have grace notes and others don’t.This is one of the longest-standing and one of the more embarrassinginLilyPond.Difficulty: mediumRequirements: C, MIDIRecommended: familiarity with LilyPond internalsImprove default beam positioningFor regular, cross-staff, broken and kneed beams. Beaming should dependon context and neighbor notes (see section 2.2 of). If possible also reduce beaming-computation time.Difficulty: mediumRequirements: C, experience with writing heuristicsRecommended knowledge: aesthetic senseHelp improve compilation behaviorAutomatic code analysis tools, like valgrind memory leak detection orcallgrind code profilers, provide valuable information about possibleflaws in our C code. Cleaning up warnings would allow us to automatethe rejection of any patch which introduced extra warnings.Difficulty: mediumRequirements: C. LilyPond 2.19.16 released February 28, 2015At long last, we are very happy to announce the release of LilyPond2.19.16. This release includes a number of enhancements, and contains somework in progress.


You will have access to the very latest features, butsome may be incomplete, and you may encounter bugs and crashes. If yourequire a stable version of LilyPond, we recommend using the 2.18version.We would like to acknowledge and thank Masamichi Hosoda for making thisrelease possible with his work on updating GUB, the build tool. LilyPond 2.18.1 February 16, 2014We have released updated manuals for LilyPond’s stable version, 2.18.The manuals are now for 2.18.1 and have a number of updates and improvementsover 2.18.0. There will be a further release of 2.18 in the future (2.18.2),and this will include the updates to the manuals as well as some minorenhancements to the LilyPond core functionality.To summarise the current situation: stable LilyPond application: 2.18.0;stable LilyPond manuals: 2.18.1; development for both: 2.19.2. LilyPond 2.17.22 released! July 14, 2013We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.17.22. Thisrelease contains the usual number of bugfixes and enhancements, and containssome work in progress.

You will have access to the very latest features, butsome may be incomplete, and you may encounter bugs and crashes. If you requirea stable version of LilyPond, we recommend using the 2.16 version.This update cures the issue with the Windows version crashing with a problemwith positioning text. The LilyPond Report #28. November 12, 2012The focuses on thein Waltrop, Germany lastAugust. Of course, there are also some musings on LilyPondtriggered by the release of 2.16.0 and 2.17.0 occuring from thatvenue.There are also two monthly financial reports from David Kastrupwhose work on LilyPond isby financial contributions from other developerand users (thank you!), and a report about experiences fromusing LilyPond internally.Come now; comments and contributions are warmlyencouraged! Release candidate 8 of 2.16 - LilyPond 2.15.41 released! July 4, 2012LilyPond 2.15.41 is out; this is the eighth release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.16 stable release.

All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.14.2 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release. If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.16.0 release will beon 18 July 2012.

If you discover any problems, please send us. Release candidate 7 of 2.16 - LilyPond 2.15.39 released! May 22, 2012LilyPond 2.15.39 is out; this is the seventh release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.16 stable release. All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.14.2 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release.

If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.16.0 release will beon 05 June 2012. If you discover any problems, please send us. Release candidate 5 of 2.16 - LilyPond 2.15.37 released! April 19, 2012LilyPond 2.15.37 is out; this is the fifth release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.16 stable release. All users are invited toexperiment with this version.

New features since 2.14.2 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release. If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.16.0 release will beon 03 May 2012. If you discover any problems, please send us. Release candidate 4 of 2.16 - LilyPond 2.15.36 released!

April 6, 2012LilyPond 2.15.36 is out; this is the fourth release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.16 stable release. All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.14.2 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release. If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.16.0 release will beon 20 April 2012. If you discover any problems, please send us. Release candidate 3 of 2.16 - LilyPond 2.15.30 released! Feb 17, 2012LilyPond 2.15.30 is out; this is the third release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.16 stable release.

All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.14.2 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release. If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.16.0 release will beon 02 March 2012. If you discover any problems, please send us.

Release candidate 2 of 2.16 - LilyPond 2.15.12 released! Sep 20, 2011LilyPond 2.15.12 is out; this is the second release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.16 stable release. All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.14.2 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release.

If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.16.0 release will beon 27 Sep 2011. If you discover any problems, please send us. Release candidate 1 of 2.16 - LilyPond 2.15.8 released! Aug 01, 2011LilyPond 2.15.8 is out; this is the first release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.16 stable release.

All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.14.2 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release. If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.16.0 release will beon 08 Aug 2011. If you discover any problems, please send us. Release candidate 7 of 2.14 - LilyPond 2.13.63 released! May 30, 2011LilyPond 2.13.63 is out; this is the seventh release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.14 stable release.

All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.12.3 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release. If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.14.0 release will beon June 6, 2011. If you discover any problems, please send us. Release candidate 6 of 2.14 - LilyPond 2.13.58 released! April 7, 2011LilyPond 2.13.58 is out; this is the sixth release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.14 stable release.

All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.12.3 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release. If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.14.0 release will beon April 14, 2011. If you discover any problems, please send us.

Release candidate 5 of 2.14 - LilyPond 2.13.57 released! April 3, 2011LilyPond 2.13.57 is out; this is the fifth release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.14 stable release. All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.12.3 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release.

If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.14.0 release will beon April 10, 2011. If you discover any problems, please send us. Release candidate 4 of 2.14 - LilyPond 2.13.56 released! Mar 29, 2011LilyPond 2.13.56 is out; this is the fourth release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.14 stable release. All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.12.3 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release.


If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.14.0 release will beon April 5, 2011. If you discover any problems, please send us. Release candidate 3 of 2.14 - LilyPond 2.13.54 released! Mar 13, 2011LilyPond 2.13.54 is out; this is the third release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.14 stable release. All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.12.3 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release. If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.14.0 release will beon March 27, 2011.

If you discover any problems, please send us. Release candidate 2 of 2.14 - LilyPond 2.13.49 released!

Feb 9, 2011LilyPond 2.13.49 is out; this is the second release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.14 stable release. All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.12.3 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release. If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.14.0 release will beon Feb 23, 2011.

If you discover any problems, please send us. Release candidate 1 of 2.14 - LilyPond 2.13.46 released! Jan 12, 2011LilyPond 2.13.46 is out; this is the first release candidate ofthe upcoming 2.14 stable release. All users are invited toexperiment with this version. New features since 2.12.3 arelisted in the “Changes” manual on the website section about.There are no known Critical issues with this release. If noCritical bugs are found, then the official 2.14.0 release will beon 26 Jan 2011.

If you discover any problems, please send us. Beta test three of 2.14 – LilyPond 2.13.44 released!

Dec 25, 2010LilyPond 2.13.44 is out; this is the third beta test of theupcoming 2.14 stable release. Users are invited to experimentwith this version.

New features since 2.12.3 are listed in the“Changes” manual on the website section about.There is still one Critical problem with this release: in onecase, the vertical spacing is much too compressed. If you decideto test this version, do not be surprised to discover problems;just send us polite. Beta test two of 2.14 – LilyPond 2.13.43 released! Dec 14, 2010LilyPond 2.13.43 is out; this is the second beta test of theupcoming 2.14 stable release. Users are invited to experimentwith this version. New features since 2.12.3 are listed in the“Changes” manual on the website section about.There is still one Critical problem with this release: in onecase, the vertical spacing is much too compressed.

If you decideto test this version, do not be surprised to discover problems;just send us polite. Beta test one of 2.14 – LilyPond 2.13.39 released!

Nov 15, 2010LilyPond 2.13.39 is out; this is the first beta test of theupcoming 2.14 stable release. Users are invited to experimentwith this version. New features since 2.12.3 are listed in the“Changes” manual on the website section about.There are still some Critical problems with this release: thevertical spacing is suspicious in two cases, and lilypond cancrash with some odd input. If you decide to test 2.13.39, do notbe surprised to discover problems; just send us polite. Alpha test four of 2.14 – LilyPond 2.13.38 released! Oct 31, 2010LilyPond 2.13.38 is out; this is the fourth alpha test of theupcoming 2.14 stable release. Users are invited to experimentwith this version.

New features since 2.12.3 are listed in the“Changes” manual on the website section about.There are still some Critical problems with this release: thevertical spacing is suspicious in two cases, and lilypond cancrash with some odd input. If you decide to test 2.13.38, do notbe surprised to discover problems; just send us polite.

Alpha test three of 2.14 – LilyPond 2.13.37 released! Oct 25, 2010LilyPond 2.13.37 is out; this is the third alpha test of theupcoming 2.14 stable release. Users are invited to experimentwith this version.

New features since 2.12.3 are listed in the“Changes” manual on the website section about.There are still some Critical problems with this release: thevertical spacing is suspicious in two cases, and lilypond cancrash with some odd input. If you decide to test 2.13.37, do notbe surprised to discover problems; just send us polite. LilyPond 2.13.21 released! May 12, 2010We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.13.21. Thisrelease contains the usual number of bugfixes. However, a numberof critical issues still remain, so this release is intended fordevelopers only.This release should be of particular interest to packagemaintainers: we have made a few changes to the configure scriptand the required libraries.

Barring any urgent bug reports, thisis the build system and libraries that will be used for the nextstable release. LilyPond 2.11.65 — Release Candidate. December 2, 2008This release has improvements to MusicXML import, contributed byReinhold Kainhofer, and adds support for splitting a book in severalbook parts, contributed by Nicolas Sceaux.Nested contexts of the same type are now allowed with any depth, andoverriding nested properties can be done with list syntax, thanks toNeil Puttock.This is hopefully the last Release Candidate before stable release 2.12,so you are welcome to test this release if you can to report newissues.

Download Free Resta Accanto A Me Spartito Pdf Files

LilyPond 2.11.58 available. September 13, 2008LilyPond 2.11.58 is a beta release, which means the next stablerelease is expected in a few weeks. This release is also special,as it includes code which supports more flexible automaticaccidentals rules, written several months ago by Rune Zedeler,deceased since then. All the development team express theircondolences to his family and his friends. Besides this,automatic beaming has been improved by Carl Sorensen, supportfor creating stem flags in a new style has been contributed byReinhold Kainhofer, and a few bugs have been fixed.