Datacolor Spyder4elite Rapidshare Downloads

Datacolor Spyder4elite Rapidshare Downloads 3,5/5 4736 reviews

SpyderX is the best monitor color calibration tool ever created by Datacolor. It's our fastest, most accurate and easiest to use screen calibrator ever. Spyder4Elite How-To: Setting Up. The Calibration screen splits off into three sub-sections: Choose Settings, Ambient Light, and Place the Sensor. Choose Settings. Assuming this is the first time.

By Nov 26, 2016 We have massive savings in our storefront and we don’t want you to miss this opportunity to get one of our available tools for 60% off that can change your business forever that is 100% guaranteed! Visit the storefront now! The Hottest Selling Items: Buy The Store If you want to have a thriving business that gives you a great income and every tool you need to shoot incredible images, then you need this bundle. It will give you everything you need to know to take your shooting & business to the next level. Includes: The Complete Wedding Course ($500 value) The 6-Figure Business Course ($500 value) IN-CAMERA: Light ($249 value) IN-CAMERA: Natural Light ($249 value) Lighting Fast Post-Production ($249 value) Reception Lighting Made Easy ($249 value) Harvest Business Workshop Studio Lighting Made Easy ($249 value) Save 70% off the regular price of $2,495 and get all of this for just $849! Includes a 90 day FREE trial of ShootFlow, The Proven Workflow Solution! ($87 value) Grab the bundle now!

The Complete Wedding Course (NEW!) The Complete Wedding Course is almost here (early spring 2017)! Follow us along on an entire REAL wedding shot LIVE in Nashville, TN! Walk with us in incredible HD footage as we guide you through our entire approach to photographing amazing images no matter what type of wedding day you are dealt. Includes a 90 day FREE trial of ShootFlow, The Proven Workflow Solution! This Complete Wedding Course will cover: All aspects of the wedding day (getting ready, portraits, ceremony, reception, lighting, locations, posing, cameras and lenses and more) Interaction with their clients to get the best images possible Controlling the wedding day schedule Jul 19, 2016 I am sooo glad that we have never had to say this!:) Now that we have your attention though, read on so that YOU never say this to a client. “I treat my back-up process like a new baby. Never drop it just because I’m tired!“ – Zach Gray Let’s talk back-up systems and why the system you choose to use will either make you and your clients happy while keeping your precious images safe, or why it will potentially cause a MASSIVE problem in your business that you might not recover from.

Even if you don’t shoot weddings, it does not mean that you can re-shoot something if you lose images. We had a friend who shot a senior session, and 2 weeks later the senior passed away. That may not ever happen to you, but it is just good practice to do everything within our power as a photographer to protect and back up images each and every time we shoot. Here is our system: Step #1 – Download the Safest Way Possible I first download all the images using the SD cards ONLY from my Canon 5d3. I use the SD cards because they only have a contact plate instead of 16 pins (like in your CF card) and there is less chance of breaking something when it is removed from the camera. I only download them in the office on a quality, Lexar USB 3 card reader that never leaves my office.

It never leaves the office because the reader or the cables it uses can be damaged during travel, which gives you a higher Mar 12, 2015 Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What in the world am I doing here and why am I doing this?” “There are far more activities and opportunities in the world than we have time and resources to invest in. And although many of them may be good, or even very good, the fact is that most are trivial and few are vital.” -Greg Mckeown, Essentialism What am I focused on? As I (Zach) was on a four hour flight from Nashville to Las Vagas for WPPI two weeks ago, I was reading Essentialism by Greg Mckeown. In his book he asks, “What is your highest point of contribution?” In essence he’s asking, “What is the one thing that actually matters more in your life and business?” When I took a moment to answer this question something very interesting happened to me I had no answer. I sat for about 30 minutes pondering what my highest point of contribution was in our business. Still, I didn’t know what it was. Jody and I were headed out to the biggest wedding and portrait convention in the USA to teach, speak, lead workshops and connect with the people and companies that we work with, and this question kept nagging me WHY are we here and WHAT are we doing this for?

Do you ever find yourself asking that question? Spread too thin Oftentimes our lives are so busy just trying to stay afloat with our shoots, clients, spouse, kids, grocery runs, managing the books, cleaning, and just LIFE that it’s hard to have time to focus on what’s really important. Sometimes Mar 10, 2015 Are you a wedding photographer looking to get your life back? ​ Instead of trying to figure out the best system to keep your clients happy, organized, and energized to tell all their friends about you, wouldn’t it be awesome to just HAVE the perfect system? This is exactly what we have been working on, just for you. For more information you can sign up HERE. Watch our videos that released last week sharing more about this exciting piece of software!

The #1 Question Photographers Ask The Biggest Pain You Face as a Photographer What it Really takes to Succeed PS. Shootflow will go into Beta soon, and we are only taking a very limited amount of sign-ups when it launches, so if you want it, sign Jul 15, 2014 I (Zach) have been asked a few times why some of my images or backgrounds have a painted look and how I create that effect. Today, I am going to show you how to do it. The Artists Just 3 days ago, I photographed the Matt & Ben from Likewise near my house in Franklin, TN. We are updating their promo shots and getting them a cover shot for a new single. We had a stellar day with some blue skies and some nice clouds, and even though the direction of the shoot was not necessarily that style, we wanted to capture a few images of it all.

Sometimes you want to go in one direction for a shoot, but something else you do ends up being the favorite from the day. Getting the Painted Look We then headed to this spot that had a nice open view of the afternoon sky and set up. The reason that the images have a “painted” look, is 3 fold which I will break down for you.

Large Light Source (image of the 59 inch Zeppelin Modifier used for this shoot to give you an idea of the size) Many of you know this and we preach it all the time, but the larger the light source the softer the light. What I sometimes forget to mention, is that large, soft light looks like it is Painted On to your subject because of the way it creates beautiful (soft) transitions between highlight and shadow.

Small light sources create much harsher shadow lines and therefore looks much more “flashy” and a lot less Jun 24, 2014 Last week we posted a blog talking about 3 ways to cut your workflow time in half. One key area we talked about was finding bottle necks that slow down your editing. One of the BIGGEST time suckers in editing other than retouching, is adjusting exposure and color in all of your images. Today, we are going to help you reduce the amount of time you spend doing that by around 90%! Read on if you are ready to get your life back!

How the Camera Thinks A question we get asked a lot is how do we get vibrant colors and consistency while shooting thousands of images during a shoot. The best way that we have found to get awesome color in our shots is to custom white balance our cameras. Digital cameras are designed to understand color and exposure the best when they are given a baseline to work off of, which is 18% grey. When you give 18% grey to your camera (correctly exposed) and “tell” the camera that you did so, the camera then can easily make all the other colors in that particular lighting scenario become much more true to reality. Your whites become true white, your red becomes red, and so forth. Exposure Nailed Because the camera works off of the 18% grey baseline for color and exposure, you can also grab your perfect exposure at the same time that you are getting your color!

This is awesome because in one simple process (for most shooting in any live scenario), we can grab exposure and color in about 3 seconds Jun 22, 2014 Because our cameras can shoot on RAW, which allows us to change our white balance (or color) in post-production, why should we even mess with it? Watch this white balance intro video to see how you could saves HOURS in by adjusting your color IN-CAMERA!by Jun 19, 2014 If you do what we tell you to do in this post, YOU can cut your editing workflow time in HALF. Find that hard to believe? Read on if you dare.: ) It is hard to have someone tell you to change your workflow. After all, it’s yours. It is a part of you. It has a lot to do with HOW you think and HOW you manage your images and your editing.

We want to challenge you. Don’t think of this post as telling you to change who you are or just generically edit your images to save time. Think of it as telling your workflow to work for you. Think of it as telling your workflow to ALWAYS behave because YOU are in charge of it. “(Workflow) goals are valuable because they are EASY to measure, and what can be measured, can be managed.” -Lewis Schiff, Business Brilliant Why does speeding up your workflow matter? It matters because THEY matter. Your clients matter, your kids matter, your spouse matters, and your friends matter.

There are people out there who NEED you and the only thing most of us don’t have any more of is time. Give the people you love the most important thing you can; your attention. Your time spent in editing matters because people are counting on you. And those people are your family.

DatacolorDatacolor Spyder4elite Rapidshare Downloads

(tweet this out!) So, with that in mind, here are 3 Essential Steps that we KNOW can cut your workflow in half. Write down Each Step in YOUR process When you write down each step in the process (be as specific as possible!!) you do yourself two favors.

The first one is that Apr 29, 2014 (Washington, DC wedding) We are back with more Q and A and today, we are taking a question from Walter from Walter E Homan Photography! He asked: “I know my back up process when shooting local weddings, but we have our first destination wedding coming up, so how do you protect the images when your away at destination gigs? Also, we get to spend 2 nights in a nice hotel and I’d like to take my wife out and enjoy the town a little the day after. What do you do with your gear? Just leave it in the room? What do you do with the cards?” Back it up baby! When shooting destination weddings, we always bring a back up USB 3 hard drive and do a back up of all the images the night of the wedding in the hotel room.

We ONLY take out the SD card from our camera and leave the CF card in the camera. We also make sure that we use a high quality card reader and are careful to not damage the reader or the cables. A damaged card reader or cable is one of the top reasons for a “card failure.” Back up while you shoot! We shoot with the Canon 5D3 which allows you to shoot with two cards at once and mirror the images. This means that each time you take a picture, the camera can record it in two places. We use the 64 gig Extreme Pro SD card, and the 64 gig Extreme Pro CF Jan 24, 2014 The Spyder 4 Elite is what we use to calibrate all of our monitors in our studio to ensure that what we see on the screen, is what we will get back in print. Calibrating your monitor is an absolute necessity if you want to make sure your bride and groom’s faces don’t end up orange in their album.:) The Spyder 4 Elite is really versatile and can tweak any monitor you have including your laptop, your iPhone or even the flat screen TV you use for showcasing images to your clients at in-home sales sessions!

All you do is download the software, place the Spyder over your screen, and it shoots out and array of colors and contrast settings and then reads it, tweaks it and streamlines your color, brightness and contrast. It is amazing! If you have never calibrated your monitor, when you first do this, it can freak you out since everything might look way different. But just remember, it always looked that way, you just didn’t realize it.:) A few things to keep in mind when it comes to color calibration and editing: Laptops screens for the most part can never really be calibrated as they are not able to accurately show colors, contrast ratios and are not designed for editing. They also can shift their color in a matter of days or weeks and need to constantly be re-calibrated just to be in the ballpark (and many can’t even be adjusted to any real accuracy at all).

If you are in the habit of heading to your favorite coffee shop with your laptop to adjust color and Jan 3, 2014 This is the Black X from Thermaltake. This is a device that allows you to take an internal hard drive (inserted in the top in the photo) and have your computer read that externally.

We use this as a part of our back-up process as our way of getting images off-site for cheap. What we do, is we get home from shooting a gig, then download our RAW images to multiple hard drives with this being one of them. We then take this hard drive out of the Black X, put it back in the blue static bag that it came with (static can mess up hard drives when they are exposed) and then send the RAW images on the drive over to a friends house.

This allows us to have an off-site back up in case of flood, fire or theft, and protects our clients images as best we can. We highly recommend doing that especially if you shoot weddings which can’t be re-shot. The Black X is only $50, and then you can buy one internal hard drive for around $69 or so, then just erase it when you need to once your JPG images from the shoot edited and backed up online. For $119 total you can have an off-site back up system that works great! Check it out and pick up a Black X HERE, and grab an internal WD hard Dec 20, 2013 When you spend your day multi-tasking, like going from building an album, to checking an email, you lose a small amount of productivity as you move between tasks. According to Tim Ferris (4 Hour Workweek), you lose exactly 45 seconds each time you move from one task to another. So about 90 seconds is lost as you move to a task, work on it, then move back.

In a typical work day, checking 30 tasks (like email and FB) will lose you about 45 minutes of total productivity. The same applies for EDITING. When you are culling images (like picking the keepers for your clients) or editing, you end up moving your mouse, then pressing buttons on your keyboard with only your left hand. This is unnatural and causes you to take your eyes off the screen, and look down at your keyboard, then look back at the screen which slows down productivity. So, what is the answer to this problem? So, today we want to introduce you to a simple, yet powerful tool that can literally speed up your post processing times by hours.

Introducing the Shuttle Pro V2 I first heard about this tool from Jared Platt, and what is powerful about the Shuttle Pro V2 is it is an ergonomically designed quick control key that you can program to take over simple or complex functions in any program you choose. So for example, instead of pressing “P” to pick an image as a keeper in Lightroom, you can simply press a button that is in an easily muscle memorized location on the Shuttle. This allows you Dec 3, 2013 Today we are going to show you guys how to create really cool panoramic images! Maybe you want to shoot a really scenic shot of the venue or location of a wedding for the wedding album, or you want to create a panoramic canvas for your clients wall. If so, then this is how you do it! We are going to show you an image that we actually shot yesterday at our in-camera: Light workshop (more images to come soon!) as an example.

Datacolor Spyder4elite Rapidshare Downloads Free

What you will need: Camera to take awesome photos, Lightroom 3 or 4, Photoshop CS5 with your RAW plug-ins up to date Step 1. Shoot the pano images – You have to shoot more than one image to create a true pano shot, and you do this by simply framing up your initial shot that you want, then panning the camera either right or left (or both) and taking another image. You can do this by hand and don’t need a tri-pod, as long as you stay on the general axis point that you started with.

Today we are taking a look at the Datacolor Spyder4ELITE display calibrator/colorimeter. Most PC users buy a monitor and never touch the display settings, a small few may tweak the settings to their liking, but even fewer take the time to make sure their display is properly calibrated.An uncalibrated display means that the colors showing on the monitor are incorrect. While this may not be a huge problem for the majority of users, most people would probably prefer to watch movies and TV shows, look at pictures, and play games using the correct and intended colors and appearance. For professionals that deal in digital art, photography, design, and videography, a well-calibrated display is absolutely necessary to ascertain that the colors being used will show up correct in print or on another computer.Datacolor makes three display calibration devices: the Spyder4EXPRESS, Spyder4PRO, and Spyder4ELITE. The Spyder4EXPRESS uses a different device than the PRO and ELITE, both of which use identical hardware. The differences between the PRO and ELITE lie in the software, with the ELITE providing the most calibration options. The full chart of differences is below:The Spyder4ELITE is a small device: 1.5 in.(D) x 3.5 in.(W) x 4 in.(L).

Datacolor Spyder4elite Rapidshare Downloads Download

It comes with an attached USB cable that has an adjustable counterweight on it, as well as a separate stand.Also included with the device is a Quick Start Guide and a software CD with the serial number printed on the back of the disc case. This serial is necessary for activating the device?s software. Installing the software is a very straightforward process.The Spyder4ELITE is made very simple to use. Once the software is installed on the computer, the user can follow the wizard to calibrate the display. Three options are provided: Step-by-step Assistant which walks the user through the calibration process, Studio Match which matches all of the PC?s displays as closely as possible, and Expert Console which gives the user all the controls on a single screen.For the purpose of this review, we will go through the Step-by-step Assistant. Also, for users whose monitors have color slider options, we recommend going to File-Preferences-Advanced Settings and checking the box where it says?Show RGB Sliders option in Identify Controls screen? We also opted to select the?Advanced?

Option for the User Interface, allowing us to take full advantage of the Spyder4ELITE?s features. This means that the following steps will be slightly different for us than if we had chosen the?Basic? Options for User Interface.The Spyder4ELITE software then gives the user the option to do a recalibration, check the accuracy of the current calibration, or do a full calibration of the display.

The user also has the option to choose their preferred Gamma, White Point, and Brightness.Next, the software will take an ambient light measurement and make the appropriate White Point and Brightness recommendations based on that. The software will then show the user where on the monitor the Spyder should be placed. Despite having the counterweight, we recommend tilting the monitor someone so the Spyder is resting fully on the monitor.

If there is any separation between the display and the Spyder, the calibration results will be negatively affected.At this point, the calibration will begin, and the program will instruct the user on when and how to appropriately adjust the settings on the monitor?s OSD (on-screen display) throughout the process. Once it completes, the user is given the option to save the calibration profile to the computer, and add a reminder to do future calibrations.At this point, the software goes into SpyderProof, allowing the user to switch between the calibrated and uncalibrated views to see the difference in color.The user can also click on SpyderTune to further tweak the calibration settings.The calibrated results can now be compared against the sRGB, NTSC, and AdobeRGB color gamuts. For further testing, the user can click on?Advanced Analysis? And choose from a variety of tests.The Spyder4ELITE is an extremely easy to use product for beginners, but also includes the features and options necessary for advanced users and professionals. This provides the Spyder4ELITE with a broad appeal.

Beginners may want to consider the EXPRESS or PRO models if they don?t consider the extra options available on the ELITE to be useful to them, though we recommend choosing the PRO model. Doing so allows the user to upgrade the PRO to the ELITE at anytime, since the only difference between the PRO and ELITE is the software they each use.For advanced users, the ability to choose from an unlimited set of gamma choices and color temperatures provides great added functionality, along with the variety of other options not included with the Spyder4PRO.

At a retail price of $249, the Spyder4ELITE is very affordable for professionals and advanced users, while still being in an accessible price range for more general users.For a well-made, easy to use device that comes packed with features, we are giving the Datacolor Spyder4ELITE the Editor?s Choice award for Prosumers/Enthusiasts. Having the ability to calibrate a display is necessary for professionals and enthusiasts, and the Spyder4ELITE is the perfect tool for the job.