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Divorce online is fast and is the premieraffordable divorce center.Our simple and inexpensive process provides you with completed divorcedocuments in aslittleas 20 minutes. Access your completed divorce forms after a short onlineinterview. Thereareno lengthy completion or delivery periods.The divorce documents are customized to your state,your children, yourincome, assets and any other factors in your case. Follow the provided instructions,print,sign and file with the court.Affordable uncontested divorce. Web site offers point-and-click splitsBy Deborah Sharp, USA TODAYCouples can find a mate, fill out a bridal registry and plan a honeymoononthe computer.

There's been a development in Adnan's case — to me, the most interesting one I've seen. And it comes from, of all people, the cell phone expert who testified at Adnan's trial. Abraham Waranowitz. Waranowitz was the radio frequency engineer for AT&T who testified at Adnan's trial about what cell towers pinged at what. During activation, you may receive an message indicating that the number of activations for your serial number has been exceeded. This indicates that you are no longer in license compliance and should either deactivate CaseComplete on one or more of your organization's computers (via Tools / Deactivate) or contact Serlio Software sales to clear out the activation if you no longer have access. AJ: Handy list of serial #s and year built for the 580. Case 580 Series Loader Backhoe Serial Number Guide to Year of Manufacture Serial Numbers (S/N) in this chart are for the machine (tractor) only.

Now theycan also divorce online.A Web site started last year by a Seattle attorney gives the unhappilywedin Washington,California, Florida and New York theoption of dissolving their marriages online. Texas is next, and severalother states are beingconsidered.The site is the latest twist in a do-it-yourself trend. Changing trendsinthe USA Average age offirst marriage Divorce year malefemale Divorced Americans Divorces granted 1970 23.2 20.8 4.3 million0.7million 2000 26.8 25.119.9 million 1.2 million Sources:U.S. Census; National Center for Health StatisticsNo national figures exist on self-representation. But some expertsestimatethat as many as half of1.2 million couples divorcingannually in the USA do so without a lawyer representing at least one oftheparties.The Web site,differs from the manyself-help sites offering advice, referrals or downloads of documentsneededto file for divorce in aparticular state.For $249, the Web site prompts couples with questions on everything fromdividing financial assetsto deciding where the kidscelebrate birthdays. The software then uses their answers to fill outthedocuments that a couplecan download and submit to acourt.Requirements vary by locale as to whether a couple must show up in courtorcan mail in or fax theirdivorce filing. But in allcases, a judge must still sign the order ending a marriage.Randy Finney, a family law attorney for 11 years and the founder of theWebsite, says it wasdesigned for uncontested divorces.It's not for couples with convoluted finances or for those fighting overchild custody and who getsthe dog.'

The decision to get a divorce comes way before the decision about howtoget a divorce,' saysFinney, 35, who is happily married.' I don't think anyone takes their wedding vows so frivolously thatthey'regoing to get a divorcejust because they can do it for$249.' Not everyone is thrilled with the notion of cyber-divorce.Judges and lawyers fret that couples who use the Web site may believethey've had legal counsel whenthey haven't. And leaders inthe movement to save marriages complain that point-and-click divorcefurtherundermines theinstitution's supposed sanctity.'

I can only think of one use of the Internet that's worse and that'spornography,' says DennisRainey, executive director ofFamilyLife, a religious group based in Little Rock. 'We're trying to doallwe can to call people tokeep their wedding vows.' FamilyLife has joined with 30 other organizations since 1999 in drawing175,000 spouses nationwideto 'I Still Do' ceremonies thataffirm marriage.Despite the marriage celebrations, about one-fifth of American men andwomenhave been divorced atleast once.A study released last month by the U.S. Census shows about 90% ofAmericanswill marry at somepoint.

For men, 54% married justonce. For women, 60%. Serial marriage is rare: Only 3% of Americans havemarried three times ormore; 13% have married twice.Finney estimates his Web site has helped 1,000 couples unhitch. StaceyKissof Seattle is amongthose who traveled to virtualSplitsville. The self-described 'Internet junkie' says it took her andherhusband of seven yearsabout three hours one night toclick through the Web site's detailed questions.'

We never got along on anything through our entire marriage, but westillmanaged to come to anagreement,' says Kiss, 36, ahospital business-services manager. 'Why drag it out and make itcomplicated?'

She says the online split was cheaper and easier than her first,traditionaldivorce. Now single,Kiss says she's comfortable withdot-com divorce, but she draws the line at cyber-dating.' I like surfing the Web,' she says, 'but not for men.'

Express DivorceErnesto Gomez and his wife Blanca had been planning to get a divorce forthree years. They hadalready separated and worked out custody and child support for their twokids. But they had stalled on filing because they didn'twant to deal with the hassle and expense. Hiring a lawyer, they weretold,would cost at least $1,500. Using a free service offeredby the court would involve numerous meetings spread out over severalweeks.So when Gomez heard an ad on the radio for a service calledthatwould let him fill out the paperwork online forjust $249, he decided to give it a try.

Four days after he logged ontothesite, he had the paperscompleted and filed in court.' CompleteCase gives you step-by-step instructions. You can't missanything,'says Gomez, adistribution-center manager in Miami.Gomez is not the only one turning to the Internet to simplify theprocess.Other services, likedivorcewizards.

Com also offer quickie online divorce kits, usually for$300 or less. No lawyer isinvolved unless a client choosesto pay extra for a consultation by phone or e-mail.Brian Lee, president of says his site has handled morethan30,000 divorces since itslaunch in 2001. Though peoplestill have to convey their forms to the court, the process of fillingoutthe paperwork can takeless than an hour, thanks to simpleonline questionnaires that hand-hold customers through the process.Online divorce is not an option if the couple can't agree on the terms.Evenwhen they can, noteveryone thinks it's a good idea.' Instant divorce is the last thing we need,' says Mike McManus,president ofthe marriage advocacygroup Marriage Savers. Instead ofa divorce, McManus says, couples often just need time to cool off beforeworking out theirdifferences.Still, such services are spreading. Utah and California offerdo-it-yourselfsites that let you fillthe forms out online (for $20at to; free at )Traffic on the California site rose from 6,800 page views in May 2002 tonearly 17,000 in May 2003.-By Anita Hamilton. Couples Can Untie the Knot Online; Divorce is a mouse clickaway, but notfor everyone.The Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif.; Nov 19, 2001; MARTINMILLER;Abstract: Californians can legally split from their spouses over the Websiteand never have to set foot in a courthouse or lawyer's office.

Legalpaperscan be completedwithin anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on thecomplexity ofthe split, according to Randolph Finney, aSeattle-based family law attorney who founded the site.For Californians, once the judge signs the documents, they are 'legallybinding and enforceable,'says Finney, but per state law thedivorce doesn't become finalized for six months.Full Text: (Copyright, The Times Mirror Company; Los Angeles Times 2001Allrights reserved)The circle of online life is now complete. You can date online; you canmarry online; and now youcan divorce online.Californians can legally split from their spouses over the Web siteand never have to set foot in a courthouse or lawyer's office. Legalpaperscan be completed withinanywhere from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the complexity ofthesplit, according to Randolph Finney, a Seattle-basedfamily law attorney who founded the site.For a flat fee of $249, the site walks divorcing couples step-by- stepthrough such issues ascommunity property and calculatingchild support payments.

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When the online form is completed, the applicantsimply signs the papers andmails them to thecourthouse.But it's not for everyone. It works only for those couples who arepartingamicably and filing foran uncontested divorce. 'If youcan't agree on who gets the kids, our site is not for you,' says Finney,amarried 35-year-old.The site debuted earlier this year, but only to residents of Washingtonstate. Last month,California was added, and soon Florida,New York and Oregon are expected to be added. So far, the site hashelpedprocess hundreds ofdivorces, says Finney.The site has drawn critics who denounce the online divorce as yetanotherblow to society's bedrockinstitutions. The very ease ofthe process, some contend, makes family and marriage as disposable as anoldappliance. Indeed, asimilar site in England wasrecently condemned by the pope as immoral because it made divorce tooeasy.Naturally, Finney disagrees.

'I think our Web site has the oppositeeffect,'he said. 'If you'regoing to get divorced, let's do itin a civil manner. I really don't believe having something availablethatmakes it easier and costsless money is going to encouragedivorce.' The inspiration for the project came from his law practice, where heprimarily handles divorces. Ittook about a year to get thesite up and running.

'On almost a daily basis, I would get clients whosaidthey needed a divorcebut didn't have the money or thepatience with the legal process to pursue it,' he said. 'These peoplearereally stuck between arock and a hard place.' For Californians, once the judge signs the documents, they are 'legallybinding and enforceable,'says Finney, but per state law thedivorce doesn't become finalized for six months. 'It isn't quite as fastasa Las Vegas divorce,' hesays.


Analysis: Louisiana among states with most amicabledivorcesBy KSLA Staff, KSLA NEWS 12It's generally assumed that once any couple has reached the stage ofdivorce,things have reacheda low point.But thankfully, divorce doesn't always have to be a bitter situation.Somecouples manage to partways as friends.Many couples manage to part ways quite amicably; just look at theblissful‘conscious uncoupling’of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, or observe how Demi Moore and BruceWillis holiday togetherwith their new partners. Blake Shelton Opens Up About 'Fast' Divorce From MirandaLambertBy Deborah Sharp, HUFFINGTON POSTCountry music star Blake Shelton has finally addressed why his split fromMirandaLambert seemedso quick.The two announced their divorce on Jul. 20, but according to US Weekly,itwasfinalized justhours after it was made public. Shelton had filed divorce papers twoweeksearlier, TMZreports.In a recent interview with 'The Bobby Bones Show,' Shelton shared how hekepttheir breakupquiet.'

In Oklahoma, it happens so fast,' said Shelton. 'Like, Miranda and Ididn'thaveany kids, andwe had a prenuptial agreement, or whatever we had. So, it was like oncewefiledfor divorce itwas like a nine or 10-day waiting period until it's over.”He said that he was not too worried about rumours, or whispers aboutinfidelity.“By the time anyone knew anything, it was over.”The superstar couple were married for four years and famously met in 2005whileShelton was stillmarried to first wife Kaynette Gern.' I didn't know if it was just initial butterflies I don't know what itwas,'Lambert told HobaKotb in 2011, about when she first met Shelton. 'It was just this drawtoeachother.'

Case Complete Serial

But while those butterflies may have faded for the couple, their speedydivorcemay have helpedthem avoid any further drama.Oklahoma came in second in a ranking of states with the nicest divorces,according to newresearch from divorce form preparation service told 'The Bobby Bones Show' that he and Lambert are still on goodterms.' Our whole thing was: You know, we're just going to be cool about this,'saidShelton.

'It iswhat it is. We're buddies.' “I just want everyone to be friends,” Little girl has aheart-to-heart with mom aboutdivorceby KFOR-TV & K. QUERRY, NEWS CHANNEL 4Divorce can be difficult on everyone involved, especially children.6-year-old Tiana decided that she had seen enough of her parents’argumentsand fights followingtheir divorce.Instead of bottling up her emotions, the little girl decided to have aheart-to-heart with hermother.“Mom, are you ready to be his friend?” Tiana asks. “Just try your best.

Idon’t want you and mydad to be replaced and mean again. I want you and my dad to be placed,andsettled, and befriends.